Finally get my chance to go and do a POTA today. My Parks on the Air activation was just down the road at K-2365, Jimmie Davis State Park. It was a little chilly and windy. Note to self, slightly heavier coat next time. I took a SOTA 20-40 with me and set up an inverted-V configuration, with the dipole aimed somewhat east-northeast. The radio was a Xiegu G90. I ran linux on a ThinkPad 495s for digital modes and logging with hamrs for SSB. I ran off of a 20Ah battery and only used about 25% of its capacity over a couple of hours. I finally got too cold and moved to my truck, changing from FT9 to SSB. However I only contacted one person on SSB due to a contest going on at the time taking up the airwaves. I could have self spotted on but decided I was about ready to call it a day. Pics are of my surroundings. Absolutely gorgeous today.
32 contacts on 20m FT8, one on 20m SSB for 33 contacts this POTA.
Link to the POTA website for this park: