When I originally set up my antenna I tuned the each band to be roughly in the middle of the usable band. I want to do a little more with digital modes, and that requires a little tuning towards the bottom of the bands for me. I scoped out my antenna with my RigExpert 220 and took screenshots. A few calculations and I had target measurements I needed to make to the antenna to bring it a little more in line with what I wanted. I have to convince one of my kids to come over as it’s a two man job to work on the antennas safely on this roof. It worked, more or less. Below are the Pre and Post screenshots for the Diamond CP-5H’s bands.
Here’s the 40m. It didn’t quite move like I wanted it to. I’ll get it moved down a little more in the near future.(Pre, then Post changes):

Here’s the 20m (Pre, then Post changes):

The 15m. I actually overshot with this, it needs to get moved back a little. (Pre, then Post changes):

The 10m. Also a little overshoot. (Pre, then Post changes):

And finally the 6m. This one moved just a little, but I didn’t need it to move very far. (Pre, then Post changes):

While my son was here I had him help me install my new antenna, a Diamond X200. A few weeks ago was able to get a second radio so I have access to UHF/VHF. Here’s the antennas, and a pic of the new radio setup.